Villa – Ganei Tiqva

The Main Challenge

Custom-made carpentry meant to cover and preserve an aesthetic and clean façade while providing a warm and familial atmosphere.

The Work

Selecting resilient and luxurious materials as well as producing the central design motifs using bevel connections (no screws)

Kamoor’s Touch

Creating carpentry items with clean lines, maintaining their presence and providing a warm and familial atmosphere.
Establishing a free-standing kitchen without supporting walls. The kitchen is concealed, with all electrical appliances behind the façades, creating a unified level equipped with a Concepta mechanism retracting into a pocket. The kitchen is situated in a way that also serves as television and storage unit.
The library was designed for the middle for the house, serving as an independent unit without any supporting walls. The library is made of an American Walnut raw wood and is specially painted.


Zohar Eden Project Management and Supervision


Itay Gershi